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In-Person COVID-19

Rules & Regulations

Lord of the Light Art Studio & Gallery (LofL) has decided to reopen in-person classes, starting May of 2022. We will start registering students and plan to commence classes from May 21, 2022.  LofL COVID-19 rules and regulations will need to be adhered to in order to ensure the safety of the students and teachers. Class availability will be limited in the interim, as we monitor our current guidelines in protecting our students and staff. Our class sizes will be limited to 6 students per class, which includes 1 make-up student. We will also be investing in a ventilation filtering device in the classroom to circulate and filter the air.  


Throughout most of the school year our ‘in-person classes' will be conducted at our Campbell studio with the exception of the “Holiday Seasons” (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years).  During these peak COVID-19 weeks we will convert all in-person students to our online classes. According to this year's 2022 calendar the affected 9 weeks will start from November 21, 2022 to January 14th 2023. Please note that the in-person class time and day and the online class time and date will be scheduled at the same times and day. LofL will provide Zoom links information to the students and parents prior to the transition. In-person classes will then reconvene on January 16, 2023.  

Requirements & Rules
for In-Person Classes

  1. Students and teachers in the classroom must be fully vaccinated and boostered. We will require a photocopy of the vaccination record to be sent to the following email address:

  2. Before entering the classroom, our staff will screen each student’s temperatures for a fever.

  3. We will be following the 3 feet distancing rule and have spaced all the desks accordingly.

  4. Medical grade face masks will be required and worn by teachers and students during class time.

  5. COVID-19 Rapid home testing will be performed (by parents or themselves) once a month for students and staff. LofL will establish dates in the calendar.

  6. If parents prefer to perform the tests themselves, we will require a photo of the test result sent to this email address:

COVID-19 Symptoms
(Outside of Class)

If your child(ren) has shown the following symptoms (below) within the last 4 to 5 days, we ask that parents / guardians to quarantine their child at home for 7 days and request a make-up class.  Prior to returning to in-person class, we will request a COVID-19 Rapid home test with a “Negative” reading to be photographed and sent to this email address prior to returning to class.

List of Symptoms

  1. Fever or chills

  1. Students suffering with temperature reading of 99.5 degrees or below will be permitted into the classroom and considered not sick. However, if they are not feeling well we may still notify the parent for their child to be picked-up (all depending on the severity).

  2. Students suffering with multiple symptoms listed here coupled with temperature reading at 99.6 degrees or higher will be considered sick and will not be allowed in class. We will allow make-up classes; please call our Office Administrator at 408-499-7596 to schedule it.

  1. Cough

  2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  3. Fatigue

  4. Muscle or body aches

  5. Headache

  6. Loss of taste or smell

  7. Sore throat

  8. Congestion or runny nose

  9. Nausea or vomiting

  10. Diarrhea

COVID-19 Symptoms
(During Class Time)

If your student shows any of the symptoms listed above, coupled with a fever of 99.6℉ or more, either option#1 or option#2 would be followed: 


                                              choosing their child to administer the Rapid Covid-19 (Home testing) themself with LofL instructors reading instructions and ensuring that directions were followed.

 If the test is negative no further action will be required.

 If the test result is positive the following steps will be required:

  • We will need to isolate the student from the rest of the class.

  • Immediately notify the parents to pick up their child.  The student will need to be quarantined for 7 days, until they are cleared of COVID-19.  If your child has no symptoms and well (Asymptomatic), they may take our online make-ups without missing class time. Simply contact our office administrator at 408.499.7596 to schedule it.

  • We will also need to notify the other student’s parents of the incident so they can monitor their own child.

  • Prior to having the student return to the in-person classroom after being placed under quarantine;  a COVID-19 test with a “Negative” reading is required. Parents will need to photocopy and send the result to this email address, at least 24 hours prior to returning to an in-person class.




                                            choosing NOT to have their child take the Rapid Covid-19 (Home testing) themself. LofL instructors will notify parents right away for their child to be picked-up.

  • We will need to isolate the student from the rest of the class as a precautionary measure.

  • Prior to having the student return to the in-person classroom; a COVID-19 test with a “Negative” reading is required. Parents will need to photocopy and send the result to this email address, at least 24 hours prior to returning to an in-person class.

  • Although a positive COVID test result was not determined during class, LofL will notify the other student’s parents of the incident so they can monitor or test their own child.

  • If the COVID-19 test result is positive the following steps will be required:

  • The student will be asked to remain in quarantine for 7 days, until they are cleared of COVID-19.  If your child has no symptoms (Asymptomatic), they may take our online make-ups without missing class time. Simply contact our office administrator at 408-499-7596 to schedule it.

  • Prior to having the student return to the in-person classroom after being placed under quarantine;  a COVID-19 test with a “Negative” reading is required. Parents will need to photocopy and send the result to this email address, at least 24 hours prior to returning to an in-person class.

Liability Clause

 In consideration for the acceptance of my application for participation in all aforementioned activities. I hereby waive, release and discharge Lord of the Light Art Studio & Gallery (LofL) from and against any and all liability for loss, personal injury, any infection of disease, including property damage that may have arisen out of or in any way connected with (my child’s) participation in the aforementioned activities. Furthermore, I assume all responsibility and agree to indemnify Lord of the Light Art Studio & Gallery for any loss, damage, or injury, coming in contact to an infectious virus or disease (such as COVID-19 or any of it’s related variants) to myself or my child(ren) which may have been caused by or due negligence, or any act of, of any person connected / affiliated in any way with the aforementioned class / session / event.  I have read the above and understand its meaning and voluntarily sign this document.

                                             (Today’s Date) fully understand and agree to these terms and conditions established by Lord of the Light Art Studio & Gallery and have relinquished all liability from Light Art of the Light and all personal affiliated to this studio.


(Registering Parent’s / Guardian Name) on  

Thank you for your acknowledgement and understanding in this matter,

Michael M. Fujii

Owner and GM of Lord of the Light Art Studio & Gallery

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Tel: 408-499-7596 

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